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Joyful, Patient, Faithful

Morning reflection with coffee and cream

Until today I hadn't had time to really reflect on how last year turned out to be. There were many wins, choices that I'm proud of and goals that I wasn't even close to reaching. Most of the areas that needed improvement were improved upon, except for one or two. Would you call that a successful year? If anything it was definitely better than the year before! The thing is there is one area in my life that seems stagnant. Thankfully it has never really gone off the deep end, but I sure wouldn't mind seeing some change here.

The Bible verse that has been floating through my mind is "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" from Romans 12:12 (NIV). There is a pretty big gap between where I am and where I want to be. Most of us have some kind of dream or desire; something that we strive for. It's the sense of purpose that drives the movement, or in my case, the call from God that I'm happy to stumble for. The temptation to pout arrived at my door, but I didn't let it in. Although joy was hiding behind sleepy eyes, patience and faithfulness have been good company.

We are in a Year of Jubilee, and celebrate we must! The wins, the micro-adventures and the simple pleasures among the grander things. May you always be accompanied by Hope, Patience and Faith this year. The friends that keep you close to God are the best, and these ones have never failed me.

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