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How Far Does Your Backyard Extend?


Several years ago my family and I moved into a new neighborhood that had many kids the same age as ours, and we were excited about the possibilities of budding friendships. The boundaries we set for our kids kept them close to home, and initially the neighborhood kids were happy to play in our area. Eventually some of the kids decided to roam the neighborhood, taking advantage of the freedom their parents had given them. Some, however, grew curious about our home and what was inside. I don't remember details, I just remember being asked for snacks multiple times and feeling somewhat possessive of the food we bought for our family. Not long after directing some hungry kids to their homes for food, my kids found themselves learning how to play more with each other than the neighborhood kids. A part of me felt guilty. Should I have at least agreed to provide a light snack once a week, with their parents permission, to foster the possibility of them forming deeper bonds with my kids? The effort I made to communicate with the neighborhood kids parents was minimal and awkward; everybody seemed to work a lot and have very little time to socialize, including me.

          I brought this up to a friend of mine who I saw as kind and thick skinned; she cared as much as she could say "no" without thinking twice. She reminded me that my kids attended a different school than the neighborhood kids, and would have plenty of friends there. She also pointed out that the expense of providing for my own family was enough of a challenge. Indeed my family was not in a position to be generous at that time, but I also felt sad for those kids. She insisted "Take care of your family, your home and what's in your back yard." People help other people all the time. Some make sacrifices. With this in mind I responded "How far does my backyard extend?

          As time passed my kids did form good friendships with other kids at school, and the neighborhood kids either moved away or decided to stay indoors. The desire to invite others into my backyard has never left and I do what I can with what I have hoping my efforts will make a difference. I've always admired policemen, firefighters and soldiers who put their lives at risk for people they don't even know. There are also small acts of kindness like being polite, taking a meal to a friend in need and raking a neighbor's leaves that have the potential to ignite positive change. How far does your backyard extend?

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