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Just Another Virus?

Whooping Cough got your kiddo down?

Did your baby start barking? Has your middle schooler coughed up a lung? It might be pertussis, also known as whooping cough. This can become a serious illness that can send your family to the emergency room, and is common during colder months when people are indoor and around others more often.
It’s important to keep your family’s immune system strong with healthy whole foods like lean chicken breast, whole grains, and vegetables. You can put them together in a soup and get important fluids and herbs, too. Vitamin C, Zinc, and echinacea can also boost your immunity.

When someone has pertussis, it begins as a cough. As it progresses, the coughing gets stronger and comes in fits. In between the fits, the ill one seems fine. Sometimes a child may vomit, develop a whooping sound (like a barking seal), or you may even see the face change color. This can be frightening, but don’t panic. Call your doctor or nurse line, and have your child seen quickly for antibiotics.
Children with pertussis must stay away from school and in the home for 5 days to keep from sharing the bacteria with others. Pertussis is spread in the droplets from coughing and sneezing. The best way to prevent pertussis is to have the DTaP or Tdap vaccine. This is especially important for babies, small children, and anyone around them as the youngest of us can have seizures and other neurological disorders from the disease. In the worst cases, the baby could pass away.

You can support your child’s healing with some natural remedies. Exposure to cold air, cool mist humidifiers, and sitting in a hot steamy bathroom with your child can support the lungs in opening and ease the cough. As with any illness, ensure your child is receiving plenty of fluids. Water is usually best, but your pediatrician may prefer an electrolyte drink like Pedialyte. Help your child rest, even if they feel energized. And always give great doses of love!

Ali Gawell, BSN

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