About the Writers

DJ and Julie Jackson
Spiritual Health Content Writers
DJ is a Chaplain serving the body of Christ. He was a Missionary to Romania as well as Venezuela. In Romania he and Julie served in many capacities, including assisting in building a dormitory for a Bible college, preaching in rural Gypsy churches, evangelizing on the streets of Bucharest as well as praying for those in need. In Venezuela DJ fed the poor and provided much needed school supplies to children. He was also the Director of Dove Aviation Ministry which served abroad and in the United States.
Julie is an ordained Pastor and a graduate of Rhema Bible College. She served alongside her husband in Romania and was the Administrator for Dove Aviation. She also was on staff at church in California where she was the ministry over the Prayer Ministry and Administrative Pastor for employees and volunteers. She also taught Prayer and Spiritual Warfare at Ames Christian College extension in CA.
Both DJ and Julie have hearts for the hurting and serve as Christ directed to be the hands and feet of Him here on earth.
Elizabeth Dequine
Mental/Emotional Health Content Writer
Currently pursuing a Masters in Mental Health Counseling to become a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Elizabeth Dequine is passionate about inner healing. She has personally experienced profound transformation through good Catholic therapy, which deeply impacted her relationship with God and the Blessed Mother and ultimately led to her calling to become a counselor. Elizabeth desires to accompany others in experiencing the healing that the Lord desires through gradually opening every part of our hearts to deeper intimacy with Him. Holding a Bachelor's degree from the classical Great Books school Thomas Aquinas College and a Masters in Theology from the Augustine Institute, her current study is through Divine Mercy University. Elizabeth resides in Denver, CO with her husband Dusty and their four children.

Loretta Vasquez-Chan
Author and Founder
Loretta has taken many college classes at Northern New Mexico College, Regis University and PIMA Medical Institute. She is the author of What To Expect From Counseling and Founder of Counseling Expectations. Her passion is to do the work of God.
Loretta lives in Colorado with her husband and kids, and enjoys life in general. Click here to read her full author biography and story.